Yesterday we drove to North Carolina. Today is the funeral of our nephew, who served with honor in the Air Force. This has been a trying three months for us. Two months ago, my stepfather died. Last month a six-year old cousin-in-law drowned in a pool. This month we are at our nephew’s funeral. I found myself thinking that this reminds me of the warning by Our Lord himself that we do not know the day nor the hour. We are like to be like the five virgins whose lamps were filled with oil and ready for the bridegroom to arrive at any time.
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Zolpidem Tartrate Purchase True, as you well know, for us Orthodox, the “refilling” of your oil lamp is more than simply reading some Scripture and praying each morning–though we should all be doing that. It also includes fasting, good works, repentance, confession of sins, and a right attitude before both God and man.
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