USA 2 and Slovenia 2
Who would have thought it? Actually more than one commentator thought that the USA had won the game, except our third goal was taken away from us by the referee. As usual, this will lead to a lot of debates as to whether there ought to be some type of instant replay allowed, given the possibilities of today’s technologies.
Buy Ambien Cr Canada Nevertheless, this was an unexpected result. And, on points it currently place the USA second in their group, at least until the Algeria game later today. Should the USA manage to win its final game, it is quite probable that it could advance to the next round. That would be incredible. As it is, Slovenia got off with a bad scare, given that had the USA won, then the USA would have tied Slovenia for first place on points. So, GO USA!
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Actually, wouldn’t it be that we would LEAD our group? Slovenia would have stayed at three pts had we won, and we would have four, while England would have two and Algeria one, no? As it is, b/c of the blown call, we now HAVE to beat Algeria even to advance, when we should be leading our group. Pitiful. Im the arguing type. I say we won that game!
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Nathan Samuel Speir says well, unlike other sports…soccer is all about the agony and drama…this was an agonizing game as i heard some on the radio at work