to another blog, I saw the short video above by Os Guiness speaking for the Biologos Foundation. What is the Biologos Foundations? Well, their webpage says: The BioLogos Foundation explores, promotes and celebrates the integration of science and Christian faith.
Buy Klonopin In Bulk It not only has well known philosophers such as Os Guiness, but also world-class conservative theologians such as N.T. Wright. I highly recommend looking through their blogs and videos. They deal in much more detail than I do with the problems that I have been discussing with the “Alice in Wonderland” approach to science that is so often the approach in the USA. They also deal with many of the common misconceptions about science that are being spread by many of the ministries that claim to be protecting the Word of God from science. you notice rather than taking the common American approach of conflict between science and Christian faith, they talk about the integration of science and the Christian faith. Frankly, this is where I am coming from in my philosophy/science posts. One final thought, as you read or listen or watch the material on the site, please realize that there are many parts of the First World in which there is not a culture war going on between science and Christianity, and yet there are conservative Christians strongly present. You can meet some of them at this website.
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