Every so often I will cycle through various news outlets to see what may be happening with Christianity in various parts of the world. Today some of the stories reminded me that Christians are not accepted well in all parts of the world or even in this nation. Click on each headline to see the full story:’s anxious Copts ‘await next catastrophe’ Worshippers arriving for mass at St Mary’s Church in central Cairo say they were shocked but not surprised by a deadly attack against Coptic Christians in southern Egypt earlier this month. “Copts have been suffering for a long time,” comments Magda accompanying her teenage son to the service. “There have been a lot of tensions between Christians and Muslims, particularly in Upper Egypt, and a lot of attacks.” When this hype dies down, things will probably go back to normal, until the next catastrophe. — Amira, Coptic Christian in Cairo “What happened in Naga Hamady has opened the situation up to the outside world.”
Six Copts were killed in a drive-by shooting in the busy town, 60 km (37 miles) from Luxor, after they left a late-night mass on 6 January, the eve of the Coptic Orthodox Christmas. A Muslim policeman was also killed.
String of church arsons has east Texas residents on edge Rousted out of bed by an early morning phone call, Kay Crosby stood in the rain and watched her church burn. “We had choir practice Wednesday night, and then Thursday morning, it’s gone,” she said. “Not even 12 hours later.”
Buy Ambien Uk Online Despite the efforts of firefighters from Crosby’s town of Wills Point, Texas, and beyond, Russell Memorial United Methodist Church was a total loss. The blaze was one in a string of 11 fires in east Texas churches this year. Eight have been ruled arson, leaving residents and churches on edge as authorities work to find the person — or persons — responsible.
326 killed in Nigeria’s inter-religious clashes Nigerian police said on Tuesday at least 326 people died in Muslim-Christian clashes last week in the central Plateau State. “From the figures available to the police … 326 people were killed in the recent violence,” police spokesman Mohammed Lerama told AFP.
However, other estimates from medical and aid workers and religious and community leaders put the toll at more than 550.
The killings erupted in Jos on January 17 and spread to nearby towns and villages in the following days.
Inter-Faith Intruder Response
Ambien Sleeping Pill Buy This final one is not actually a news story, but a rather odd sign of the times. Our mission in providing “Inter-Faith Intruder Response” as well as “Church Security” training/consulting is based on Matthew 10:16 (NJKV version). Matthew Chpt. 10:v. 16 – Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Although we don’t like to think violent acts occurring within the church walls, it is something for which we are obligated to prepare. There are several good reasons that we must Pray, Prepare, Prevent & prevail. Many types of incidents (both big & small) could happen and have happened within churches all over the country. Church leaders have an obligation to church members, parishioners, and every visitor who steps inside our doors to provide a safe environment for worship.
This 1-day seminar will give each attendee the information and tools to start up your church’s security ministry or formalize/professionalize your church’s existing security ministry. Additionally the seminar will address specific information related to intruder response, lock down preparation, when lock down fails preparation, offering transport, embezzlement prevention, nursery security protocols, medical safety ministry preparation, pastoral preparation and many other topics related to the safety and security of the church environment. The seminar format allows the attendee all of the tools they need (via a workbook completed in the course) to either start up or formalize your church’s security ministry.
How To Get Zolpidem Online We need to do everything we can for these folks, both at home and abroad (the Copts especially have been in this situation for 1500 years), but “security ministry”? Very American, yes; an appropriate Christian response? I don’t know.
Shepherds need to protect their sheep; and sometimes wolves need a good smacking.