Science is not perfect. It is a system of approximations. People involved in science keep trying various explanations for what they observe until they find an explanation that makes sense out of what they are seeing. But, the process goes farther than simply observation into the areas of math, cosmology, and even metaphysics. Many observations cannot be solved by simple explanations. So, Newton’s theories developed out of his observations about gravity and about the movements of the planets. However, simple explanations were not going to be successful and he ended up developing the mathematics that led to what is now called Newtonian physics.
Clonazepam Overdose On the other hand, because human being are involved in science, inevitably there are mistakes made, inevitably there are presuppositions that are not defensible, and, even, inevitably there are those in science that behave in unethical–and even illegal–manners. But, the same is absolutely true of theology. Because we are human, inevitably there are presuppositions that are not defensible, and, even, inevitably there are those in theology that behave in unethical–and even immoral–manners. Often simple explanations are not successful and theologians have no choice but to go into the areas of speculative theology. And, because these are areas of speculative theology, there is no clear Scriptural path to prove the assertions. The problem is that too many Christians cannot differentiate between speculative theology and clear statements in Scripture.
Another problem is that the news media is happy to publish those people on both sides who are unwilling to acknowledge that there is a possibility that their viewpoint could be wrong. More than that, the news media is happy to publish stories quoting people whose presuppositions are set in concrete and are unwilling to accept that they have presuppositions that are not derived from either Scripture or from observations. of the arguments in the USA among those who call themselves Christians have to do with an inappropriate conviction that their viewpoint is the only correct viewpoint with regards to science. More than that, the typical argument among certain Christians is to find the holes in the scientific reasoning. Since science is a system of approximations to what the truth is, this means that there are always holes in the scientific arguments. But, many of the same Christians are unwilling to take a straight look at Christianity in the USA and to admit that the thousands of denominations in the USA is quite good evidence that their viewpoint may not be the determinative viewpoint. On the other side, there are too many scientists in the USA who have exactly the same attitude and who are unwilling to admit that there are, indeed, holes in some of their theories. Interestingly enough, when one reads science magazines, there is an open admissions of the holes that are present in current theories. So, why do they not admit that in meetings outside those meetings that have to do with their respective scientific societies? Frankly, it is because they are aware that any admission of problems on their part will be used by those who supposedly support the only correct Christian viewpoint as evidence that science has not been telling the truth., so, we find ourselves in the position in which we find ourselves in the USA, and only in the USA. What do I mean by “only in the USA?” Well, the USA is about the only country in the world in which there is such a conflict between science and Christianity. How do I know that? Well, I have quite a bit of experience with Christians from other countries. And, guess what? It is this country which has such public and overt conflicts between science and Christianity. In other countries, the various viewpoints are simply that, various viewpoints. Yes, of course other countries have their supercilious scientists and their unctuous Christians, but their battles over science and faith are not mainstream debates, but rather sideboard battles. We could do with more of that here.
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