Prescription Ambien Online This seemed like a good time to answer some miscellaneous questions from several people. Not all of them are totally serious, but I wanted to “clean up” my inbox.
“… Father Orthohippo.” What is with you Orthodox blogging priests and having orthodox animals? 😉 Well, actually, not all Orthodox priests do that. 😎 For instance, there is Orthodixie who is a priest worth well reading or listening to his podcast. Father Orthohippo is actually Anglican. And, then there is the blog called Orthodogs, which is actually a blog about orthopedic problems in dogs. On your blog you state that: “So, after prayer and inquiry, my wife and I were chrismated into the Orthodox Church”. With all due respect (and I do hope I am not prying here), could you explain your “inquiry”?
This actually goes with this next question:
Ambien Prices Online Could you suggest a book or two on the Orthodox worldview?
There are several I would tend to recommend: Becoming Orthodox by Peter E. Gillquist Coming Home by Peter E. Gillquist
The Orthodox Church: New Edition by Timothy Ware
Buy Zolpidem Overnight Delivery The Orthodox Way by Kallistos Ware The Orthodox Study Bible — I mainly recommend this for some of the commentary. However, please note that the Orthodox Old Testament is different than the Roman Catholic Old Testament and the Protestant Old Testament. But our inquiry was not merely intellectual. We talked to people both Orthodox and even a couple of ex-Orthodox. Thus, we went in knowing the good, the bad, and the ugly about Orthodoxy. Too many converts go into Orthodoxy expecting to find something close to perfection, whereas the Church is just how she is pictured in the Book of Ephesians, as a bride who does need to be cleaned up and brought to perfection. Nevertheless, there is still an impressive presence of God in Orthodoxy that is well worth it. I was wondering about the Orthodox Churches foreign mission branch. How is it structured and so on and so forth…
The different jurisdictions in SCOBA (Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas) have united on a joint organization called the OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center). ” I would recommend that you go to their website to read their material and see what opportunities they have for you to volunteer both at home and abroad. You can also read about funding and other practical topics there. Well, I think this catches me up on my inbox! If I missed any of your questions, please drop me a note or add a comment to this post with your question. I had to laugh at your “good, bad and ugly” comment. Since the church is made up of human beings who are sinners, expecting the Orthodox church (or any church) to without fault to be delusional. If Paul and the 12 couldn’t get the churches to get their act together in the first century…..(’nuff said). Every trouble/fault/sin that the Epistles talk about in the early church still raises their ugly heads in the 21st Century church. People haven’t changed. The answers to those pesky people is also the same (read aforementioned epistles). The Orthodox Church hasn’t changed since the beginning either. (There is a reason we say Lord Have Mercy so much in the Divide Liturgy!! ) Alix Oh and another thing–I like the animals–or rather the sense of humor behind them. I am not an Orthodox priest , but if possible I want to claim the Orthopig-My real pig Cameron would approve. Alix
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Fr. Orthoduck says This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had . . .
I appreciate this post. It is enlightening. Also, I checked out Orthodixie’s blog- I never thought I’d see an Orthodox priest with a cowboy hat. And, is it just me, or does he look a lot like House?
Fr. Orthoduck says
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He has an incredible sense of humor, but I have been with him when he discussed the incredibly serious subject of confession. And, yes, he does wear boots now and again.
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Tim says “And, yes, he does wear boots now and again.”
Blasphemy! Jk, jk 😉
Tim says I should clarify a previous statement- And, is it just me, or does he look a lot like House from the show House, M.D.
Just so there is no confusion about me accusing Father Orthodixie of looking like a house…
Thomas Williams says I love Dr. House and i always watch this TV series after my day job.,~: