Below is a good quote from a Baptist pastor who is reliably known as a theological conservative. I think it needs no further comment and it invites us to think: The reason conservatives and progressives can’t talk to one another are the tactics of vilification. We turn to them too soon. We use them without restraint. We all turn into Bill O’Reilley. Both sides.
henry says
Zolpidem Generic Purchase What the liberals do not like is that Bill O’Reilley tells it like it is. Ahem, what part of conservative theologically, Southern Baptist pastor did you miss in the quote above? He is in Kentucky and did not vote for President Obama. That is not a liberal speaking out against O’Reilley, but a conservative.
Obviously the Baptist pastor is politically liberal. I note he does not mention any of the many liberals who are big-time name callers. He probably also has never watched Bill O'Reilly. But I agree with his statement to a degree. The only reason why name-calling (ad hominem) is used is when you don't have an answer for the question or a rebuttal for the argument — you dodge it by besmirching the character of the other person.
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Alix says When my children were small, they fought with each other as siblings sometimes do. When none could think of a realistic reason for the fight, the talk tended to degenerate into name calling or rather ridiculous reasons for the battle. “She is stupid. Well, SHE LOOKED at me.” Sometimes, I look at our professional politicians and political pundits and see my children at their worst.
Alix Judy, if you go here you can read in his own post–you have to read down through it–where he says he voted for John McCain and did not vote for Obama. If you do a search through his blog, he has written more than once about the loss of civility of his … Read Moreown fellow conservatives and the loss of love by his fellow conservative Christians. He used Bill O'Reilly because he believes that judgment begins at home and that one is more likely to get listened to if one acknowledges one's own problems first. He is also the author of the 12th highest ranked evangelical blog in the nation. If you read the article I cited above, you can see his attitudes.
Ernesto M. Obregón says
Ambien Buying Online Judy, if you go here you can read in his own post–you have to read down through it–where he says he voted for John McCain and did not vote for Obama. If you do a search through his blog, he has written more than once about the loss of civility of his … Read Moreown fellow conservatives and the loss of love by his fellow conservative Christians. He used Bill O'Reilly because he believes that judgment begins at home and that one is more likely to get listened to if one acknowledges one's own problems first. He is also the author of the 12th highest ranked evangelical blog in the nation. If you read the article I cited above, you can see his attitudes.
Judy Nichols says You're right, Ernesto. I should not have done that. But I do watch Bill O'Reilly, and he is not a name caller. He is an investigative journalist who exposes people's deeds. I will have to read the article later, as I have an appointment in 15 minutes. I hope you would agree, though that the left is equally culpable of accusations without substantiation or research, e.g., Janine Garafolo calling tea party protesters "teabaggers" and "racists" and Nancy Pelosi characterizing conservatives as "anti-American."
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Ernesto M. Obregón says
Get Zolpidem Online Of course, as a matter of fact I cannot watch the Ed Show and one or two others precisely because they are sooooo bbaaaddd. So, here is my part in naming some from the wacky left to match Pastor Michael in naming some from the right.
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Ernesto M. Obregón says Of course, as a matter of fact I cannot watch the Ed Show and one or two others precisely because they are sooooo bbaaaddd. So, here is my part in naming some from the wacky left to match Pastor Michael in naming some from the right.
Hmm, and even members of her own party are jumping on Pelosi, including the brave representatives from Michigan (and other states) who are Democratic but are standing for banning abortion funding or at least a strong conscience clause. Janine Garafolo is also another loony left member. However, in mild defense of tea bag go to and to where you can see Fox News reporters talking about the tea bag party and one citing the website of the tea party as saying that people should tea bag the White House.
Ernesto M. Obregón says Hmm, and even members of her own party are jumping on Pelosi, including the brave representatives from Michigan (and other states) who are Democratic but are standing for banning abortion funding or at least a strong conscience clause. Janine Garafolo is also another loony left member. However, in mild defense of tea bag go to and to where you can see Fox News reporters talking about the tea bag party and one citing the website of the tea party as saying that people should tea bag the White House.
Headless Unicorn Guy says
— Pre-Islamic Persian battle cry; loosely translated, it means “Us Infininte Good! Them Infinite Evil!”