Father Orthoduck used to read the X-men quite regularly back when. And he used to love their exploits. However, Father Orthoduck has seen what the Orlando machine, and no he does not mean the basketball team, but the mouse, has done in taming every fairy tale they ever have laid their hands on and changing it into a G-rated movie or TV show. And, so, he wonders whether Marvel comics, which is known for their edgy comics and social commentary, will be changed into a grown version of the Mouseketeers. The comic below shows that I am not the only one to fear such a change. You will need to click on the comic to be taken to the author’s web site and see a larger version of the comic. On a different note, for those of you in Cleveland, Ohio, here is a shout out for those who read Howard the Duck, our first ducky hero. Mike A Auffhammer says
This can not be good for Marvel in any way. (except the guy thats making out with the cash). Stan did you have a say in this?
Mike Auffhammer says
3Mg Xanax Bars Online This can not be good for Marvel in any way. (except the guy thats making out with the cash). Stan did you have a say in this?
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So, sad, Marvel was part of my childhood. Ernesto M. Obregón says
Order Alprazolam Pills So, sad, Marvel was part of my childhood. Caterina Wesson says Did I miss some bit of news where Disney has bought Marvel? Funny commic, btw. =)