Ambien Order Canada I was just reading a transcript of an interview from 2008 on Ancient Faith Radio in which Frederica Mathewes-Green was interviewing Fr. Ted Stylianopoulos. At one point Father Ted says: But you notice, in Romans chapter 1, as God Holiness encounters the plight and sin of humanity, He doesn’t do something additional to punish them. The word there is, He gave them up, which the scripture says, as in the Prodigal Son, means, he let them be free. Sometimes one reads one of those phrases that simply opens up various passages of Scripture for one and makes one reflect. This was one of those phrases. In America we value our freedom. We are known as the country of individual rights and freedoms. But, Father Ted brought a different insight to this idea of personal freedom. Father Ted’s discussion was about the wrath of God. He pointed out that we often assume that God’s wrath will issue in some type of active punishment. But, as he said, in fact several of the arguments in Romans 1 was that God’s wrath did not result in active punishment, but rather in giving the people the very freedom to carry out their wishes that they so desired. St. Paul’s letter to the Romans says: The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness . . . Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts . . . God gave them over to shameful lusts . . . he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done
This passage shows God doing the same thing with humanity that he did with the Prodigal Son. What did God do with the Prodigal Son? He gave him his inheritance and set him free to do what he wanted to do. What does God do with a sinful humanity in Romans? Well, he confirms in us the gifts of reasoning, intelligence, etc., that he gave us and sets us free. So, how is God’s wrath being revealed? In both the Prodigal Son and in Romans, God’s wrath is revealed in his allowing us to reap the consequences of our actions without any merciful interference on his part. The Prodigal Son ends up destroying himself. At the end of it he cannot blame his father because he did it all to himself. In the same way, St. Paul says that God allowed sinners to experience the consequences of their sin. When it says that he turned them over, it is because the addicting power of sin is so strong that there is no true freedom, no true independence, as the Prodigal Son found out. The only true freedom is the freedom of sinlessness. Thus the sinner who turns to God cannot accuse God of being unjust or unfair. God has simply given us what we most desired, to “do our own thing.”
[Note: from where does this idea that sin is addicting come? In part from Saint Augustine of Hippo in his book The City of God. “For even the vice which by the force of habit and long continuance has become a second nature, had its origin in the will.” Sin may begin as a decision, but it becomes a vice with “the force of habit,” the definition of an addiction. Our Lord Jesus Christ called it slavery to sin.]
Buy Ambien Online Fast Shipping This means that we need to be careful about how we preach about the wrath of God. Most of us preach about the wrath of God only as the active entrance of God into a situation in order to execute punishment. And, that does indeed happen, though not with every tornado or hurricane that strikes the USA. But, in Romans and in the Prodigal Son, the wrath of God is actually, and most often, God’s permission for us to do as we wish and to experience fully the consequences of our decisions. At the end, we can hardly blame God for what has gone wrong, but should only reply as did the Prodigal Son, “I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.'” We also need to be careful about how we preach about our freedom in Christ. It is freedom from addiction, not freedom to do our own thing. It is a freedom from addiction that, with the presence of the Holy Spirit, allows us to turn in obedience to our heavenly Father. [Yes, I realize that even after we are set free we continue to sin. But, sometimes the Church is to us as Alcoholics Anonymous is to their members, a place where we can work through our addictions and keep receiving forgiveness and support and the food of immortality. We may be an “alcoholic”, a sinner, for our current life, but we need not wallow in our sin.]
So, let’s not skip talking about the wrath of God. It is certainly present. But, let’s point out how often the wrath of God is simply God letting us alone to do our own thing. And, let’s be careful about how we talk about our freedom in Christ, lest we inadvertently give permission for someone to fall back into their addiction. Good article. When we are free we are slaves.
Dn Charles Joiner says Good article. When we are free we are slaves.
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Min. Mccray Roy L. M.A. says
2nd chronocles 7:14! America needs to learn. But it says ” my people” who are God’s people, those who have redcieved and beleived. We need to return back to our first love. Our first fruit. Jesus! History speaks of every country who strayed away from the word of God. . Rome was the machine that rule for 400 years. Christians should never forget rome. Wake up! Every child of God. Confess, repent, and ask for forgivensss, now we can touch and agree. God has to stand behinde His standard, love, obedience and correction . His wrath come when refuse to accept, repen and turn away from our wickedness and unethical life style. Adam and Eve had to leave the garden, Lucifer had to leave heaven, Moses could not go into the Promise Land, Paul had a thorn in his side. We are no exception. I beleive today a special group of Ministers and Prophets and Apostles are coming on the scene. No if and but. But thus says the Lord. Those who will teach and make aware the judg ment that will ocme because of rejection and disobediences to the word of . Welcome to a future church.
Reformation! Part 2! Jesus! Min. Roy L McCray M.A.
Klonopin Price I love my country, I have served my country for 21 years. Now I devote my life to serving the Lord thou God in the name of Jesus. My desire is to work the Ministry full time.
It is God”s desire that none of us go to Hell. Hell is real, read about the richman and poor man in Luke 16:17-24. Today America has adopted the life style of Sodom and Gomarrah, wickedness, homesexual life style, murder, stealing, denying the Lord thou God. Rejecting Jesus. The Church has to wake up and teach the people,what God say, sin is not allowed in Heaven. Sins can be forgiven, Jesus died on the Cross, his blood pay out the debt to death. He sit at the right hand of the Father, He is our advocate. We are human and we will make mistakes. But we have to make an effort to change this life style. Start by: 1. getting in a church that teaches the Gosple of Jesus Christ..2. Get all those movies, books, CD’s, Videos of evil,lust, profanity articles out of you house and life. 3. God did not say you can not laugh, or have fun. It just can not have those items that make you sin.
Our last generation of little kids, what and who are they going to look up to?
Two men in love
Two women in love
Drugs and evil
If you got money you pay for your excuse
With these elements, what kind of examples are we setting?
Rome was a power house, she killed more Christain than any machine. She tried to be the world police, and corruption was building inside Rome.
Then she open the doors and allowed all sort of religions, culture and way of life to move in. She was brought down by those who live in the woods of life. It is time for all beleivers to stand up and pray for those who have not heard or recieved the Gospel. For all those who are Christians and living a jack up life style,it time to get it together, in the name of Jesus. GOD FORGIVES, ONLY ASK IN THE NAME OF JESUS. HE IS WAITING. Once our eyes closed it is over. You do not want to wake up in hell like the rich man. Peace to all my brothers and sister in Christ, this is for the world. Read John 3:16
Reformation! Part II
Min. Roy L McCray, M.A.
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Karl Smithy says I love Father Ted, it’s such a shame Dermot Morgan is with us no more.
I suspect FTed has done more for the freedom of the Irish than we can fully measure.