Father Orthoduck has previously pointed out that there are some real whack jobs on the right wing. They deliberately twist the truth and consider themselves to be justified because they are preventing a worse evil. There is a willingness to lie and distort the truth because the ends justifies the means. They violate God’s call to honesty and truth. But, there are also whack jobs on the left that have the same exact attitude, and the same exact violation of God’s call for truth. Among the left wing whack jobs is ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
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Father Orthoduck wishes to again emphasize that whatever one’s political leanings, truth is one of God’s most important priorities.
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Wait a second Ernie> True their are whack jobs on the right wing, BUT their are whacks jobs no matter what type of opinions they may express.
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Julia Shonka says
https://calif-ilc.org/kgrnv6vfz Also, there seem to be a far greater number of people on the far left than on the far right. Either one is undesirable, but the USA is definitely unbalanced, with most of the weight on the side of the left.
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https://olashirt.com/8qd8rr6gsv6 I am not red-baiting ACORN here, but this does remind me of Peter Maurin’s comment that “Communists are sons of the bourgeoisie”.
..”They deliberately twist the truth and consider themselves to be justified because they are preventing a worse evil. There is a willingness to lie and distort the truth because the ends justifies the means” …..i wholeheartedly agree you..your statement though reminds me of a phrase in the movie “Doubt” it goes like this “in the persuit of evil sometimes one must turn their back to God” ..i dont know if i agree with this but it sounds plausable…sorry to drift off-topic.
Fr. Ernesto Obregon says
https://www.suitupmaine.org/fljnxxqam3m One of the serious ethical questions for soldiers who are involved in special units is to what lengths may they go in the defense of their country and their fellow soldiers. Some of the post-traumatic stress syndrome sufferers are people who are having serious self-doubts about their ethics on the battlefield.
https://medikaplaza.com/plaza/cemikome/ There is no easy answer, nor should we try to imply that there is an easy answer to this subject.
Ernesto M. Obregón says
https://sapooni.com/mr194go I am hopelessly stuck in the the middle between various extremes each one trying to convince me that this country should go their way. And, most of them get too much coverage in the media.
I am hopelessly stuck in the the middle between various extremes each one trying to convince me that this country should go their way. And, most of them get too much coverage in the media.