To say that Father Orthoduck is somewhat surprised by this interview on CNN would be an understatement. Is this analyst really saying that we need Osama bin Laden to attack us again so that we will wake up and take stronger security measure than the ones we already have taken?
Zolpidem CheapFather Orthoduck is thoroughly hoping that in the heat of the moment he misspoke. Father Orthoduck is hoping that what he meant to say was that it might take another attack by Osama bin Laden for us to wake up and realize our weaknesses. Nevertheless, regardless of how many times Father Orthoduck has listened to this clip, he only hears the analyst actually saying that we need another attack from bin Laden to wake us up.
Scott Pierce says I think you are confusing a statement of opinion with a statement of hope. He is not stating that he WANTS Bin Laden to attack, only that he believes an attack is the only thing which will wake Americans up. I have heard many, many “passionists” (I don’t what else to call those “holy warriors” for various causes who believe that everyone else is dull and needs a wake-up call) make similar statements, from the “heart-healthy” health jihadists who say it’s going to take a heart attack to make someone eat healthy, to the economic Keynesians who seem to take delight in job losses so that the government is forced to get involved. This guy, whoever he is, is simply stating the obvious: we who have been “safe” do not realize that we are not really safe. And the only way to wake up the lethargic is for some incident to prod us.
Fr. Ernesto Obregon says Thanks, Scott, it seemed to be a bit too much, but I like your explanation. That makes sense and does not make him sound a little off. Mind you, see the other post on which I mention some liberal craziness.,
Clonazepam For Insomnia Craziness abounds. Left, Right, Center. No matter where you sit you will be surrounded by it.
Ambien Sale Online Cheap Yes, that is one of my big points. Craziness abounds. As Christians we are called to give a clear witness to truth.