Ok, so why did I not post today? (It is 10 pm right now.) Well, frankly, I was driving back from visiting the grandkids. I spoiled them and my daughters (two of the three) rotten, as well as a future son-in-law. We went to the Birmingham Zoo; I spent tons of money on snacks, funny […]
Archives for June 2009
David Letterman manages to unite conservatives and liberals · by 4 Comments
Father Orthoduck™ wishes to commend David Letterman on finally uniting both conservative and liberal women’s groups. Normally those groups work against each other on various issues, and rarely do they agree. Nevertheless, after a serious two-day personal effort, Mr. David Letterman managed to be so offensive that BOTH Concerned Women for America (conservative) and the […]
Be mindful, oh Lord . . .
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“Be mindful, O Lord, of those who bear fruit and do good works in thy holy Churches, and who remember the poor.” — from the Anaphoras of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil. So, what might a costly grace look like? The Department of Education of our Archdiocese set the above phrase, which every Orthodox […]
Orthodoxy, Bonhoffer, and cheap grace
Order Ambien Online Cheap Why should a person whose only commitment to Christianity is that they attend church on most Sundays, give some, and behave correctly (by and large) not feel a little concerned? Pastor Dietrich Bonhoffer said, “cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline. Communion without confession. Cheap grace is grace […]
On right-wing wackos and the Dept of Homeland Security
In April of this year, Secretary Napolitano warned the USA that we were in danger from right-wing extremists. At that time she was attacked for having improper views of people with conservative political views and asked to apologize. In particular, she was pilloried because she warned that people with a military background might be more […]
On yesterday’s Holocaust Museum shooting
Yesterday we all received the shocking news of the attack on the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. A known racist and extremist, James von Brunn, decided to make the Holocaust Museum a blood bath that would be remembered on his tombstone. And, he must have thought that his dreams had come true when the door was […]
Posts from 1850’s southern arguments part 03
Again, my apologies for not having much analysis, but I am quickly posting this from our diocesan conference. This next excerpt has to do with Dr. Ross’ view of the development of human history. As I have said before, I do not agree with Dr. Ross. And I do promise that more analysis will be […]
Posts from 1850’s southern arguments part 02
This will be a quick post, since I am at an Econolodge on the way to the diocesan conference. Let me do a quick cut and paste from the Wikipidea on a movement that has had much influence in American Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism. That movement is Christian Reconstructionism. Christian Reconstructionism is a religious and theological movement […]
Posts from 1850’s southern arguments part 01
This week I am at the diocesan conference. So, I am going to publish some excerpts from a book in the public domain. I do not agree with the arguments in the book. If I can, I will make some comments, but, mainly, I want you to see the exegetical arguments used, and see if […]
An American Saint — the committee
Father Orthohippo and Father Orthoduck were both assistant pastors in the same congregation once upon a time. We know each other well enough to laugh together, share grandducklings (or grandhippos) stories together, etc. He recently posted the below, which I am glad to share with you. Comments are welcome. What is your church’s practice when […]