On another blog there is a discussion about the Kingdom of God. As we all know, the Kingdom of God was a constant theme in Jesus’ preaching according to the Synoptic Gospels. “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” “The Kingdom of God is among you.” Even to the last, when Jesus stands before Pilate, he speaks of the Kingdom when he says to Pilate that his Kingdom is not of this world. We are ordered to seek first the Kingdom of God and trust that God will take care of the rest.
Needless to say, it went off into heavy theology, though many people also spoke of practical matters. One person posted the following thought.
But I think we all have felt the Kingdom breaking through. Small glimpses here and there. When I see people sweating in a hot kitchen to feed ragged unwashed homeless people. When I see my 6th grade daughter kneel to wash someone’s feet on Maundy Thursday. When I see someone give the gift of being fully present.
That person got me to thinking about our example, our being “lights” in the world. From there it progressed naturally to the idea of Our Lord Jesus Christ being the Light of the World and how we are supposed to be lights as well. In being lights, we show that the Kingdom of God does exist and that it is both here, through the Church, and is to come, when Our Lord returns. Part of our role as a Church is to be a saving light in this world, the shining of the Kingdom through the Church and into the world so that people might be saved. But, it also brought the following imagery to mind.
When the Church is functioning correctly, it is like a bunch of fireflies all winking with the light of their gifts, ministries, and services. Those “fireflies” remind us that there is a greater light that is yet to return and a dawn that is yet to brighten the world and a Son that is yet to come in the full glory of his transfigured self and that there are tears that shall be wiped away and words of welcome and commendation to be spoken and received. The Kingdom of God is among you. But, there shall come that day when the angels shall shout, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.”
I loved this image: “When the Church is functioning correctly, it is like a bunch of fireflies all winking with the light of their gift”