Fr. Orthoduck saw this video on Youtube recently and wanted to make a few comments on it. Fr. Orthoduck likes human toddlers, he really does! They remind me of the ducklings to which my hen and I gave birth. And this is a particularly cute looking toddler. Nevertheless, Fr. Orthoduck takes a very dim view of using your ducklings in the way in which these humans have used this toddler. So Fr. Orthoduck came up with a few words to describe this video and this use of a duckling, uhm, toddler.
A = apostate
B = bizarre
C = child abuse
D = despicable
E = execrable
F = facetious
G = godless
H = heretical
I = idiotic
J = jabberwocky
K = kooky
L = licentious
MÂ = meretricious
N = narcissistic
O = outrageous
P = puerile
Q = questionable
R = ridiculous
S = specious
T = traumatizing
U = unacceptable
V = vacuous
W = weird
X = eXecrable, ok ok I could not find an X word to fit
Y = yucky
Z = zany
rightwingprof says Well, that’s certainly . . . weird.
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