There will be a new “character” on this blog, Fr. Orthoduckâ„¢.
Who is Fr. Orthoduckâ„¢? Sometimes Fr. Orthoduckâ„¢ will be my alter ego. He will be less well-behaved version of myself when he is in that role. He will tackle those subjects that are a little controversial or perhaps those subject about which I wish to “rant” without confusing those who come to this blog looking for clear information on Orthodoxy. So, do not be surprised if Fr. Orthoduckâ„¢ handles issues that are more political and less clearly Orthodox. Also, do not be surprised if he handles pieces that are humorous and maybe a bit satirical, now and again. But, sometimes Fr. Orthoduck™ will not be my alter ego, but a visiting priest or deacon or subdeacon or reader or other reliable commentator. In that case, the post will not be mine at all, but will be an opportunity for other people to contribute who do not have their own blog, or who simply wish to write a guest column. They may, or may not, sign their post, that will be up to them. However, I will review their post to make sure that it fits with the general tenor of this blog. And, finally, I may very well start a periodic post called, “Ask Fr. Orthoduckâ„¢.” If you wish to ask a question of Fr. Orthoduckâ„¢, please submit it to his email address which is orthoduck(at symbol) But, be aware, Fr. Orthoduckâ„¢ may give a humorous or a satiric or a not entirely serious answer. And, the question may be answered by a guest and not by me. So, having said all that, h-h-h-h-h-h-e-e-e-e-e-r-r-r-r-r-e-e-e-e-e is Fr. Orthoduckâ„¢. Fr. Orthoduck – I often suspected my orthodox brethern might be ducks. I am an orthohippo (anglican) priest, I’ve noticed we swim in the same rivers.
From time to time, it might be fun to share a few observations on our world.
We anglicans are even more diverse in our divisions that you orthodox. I don’t think this means either of us win, but we anglo catholics especially notice all those other anglo catholics who point out we have a few things in error, and why don’t we get with their program. This can be a problem, since there are a variety of programs to choose from, including mine.
The anglican evangelicals rarely do this to us. They just shake
their heads in mystification at our liturgical preferences. We are able to talk to each other, though. I’ve heard that some orthodox rarely comunicate with other orthodox. Is this similar to our problems with
anglican evangelicals?
Well, enough for now.
Fraternal yours,
Fr. Orthohippo
Zolpidem Cheapest Well, we do have some rather odd ducks among us. Some of our ducks are convinced that they are really swans and that the rest of us are just ugly ducklings. Some of our ducks are convinced that only ducks that quack in their particular language are full ducks and that the rest of us are here on suffrance. And, we even have ducks who so swim around the entire pond and mix in with every other water fowl that it is sometimes hard to tell that they are ducks.
Buy Clonazepam 1Mg But, I must admit that none of us is quite sure what to do about those who have so absorbed various ducktrines from various groups that they are no longer ducks but have become duck-billed platypuses.
“But, I must admit that none of us is quite sure what to do about those who have so absorbed various doctrines from various groups that they are no longer ducks but have become duck-billed platypuses.”
You mean, “absorbed various ducktrines?
Ah, yes, even Fr. Orthoduck can make spelling errors. I have now amended the post with your correction.
Steve Scott says Fr. Orthoduck, Your beard is far too short! Quack!
Fr. Orthohippo says
Buy Clonazepam 1Mg hi day 4 yesterday for my blog. May now google at
Fr. Orthohippo
A view from the side pew
It also picks up you and me, Fr. Orthoduck. How qbout that. hi day 4 yesterday for my blog. May now google at
Fr. Orthohippo
A view from the side pew
It also picks up you and me, Fr. Orthoduck. How about that.