With Holy Week starting today for the Orthodox, my posting might become somewhat spotty. For those of you in a “Western” church, may the Lord give you a blessed Easter.
Purchase Zolpidem OnlineHoly Week ahead
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Cheap Clonazepam Purchase A blessed Holy Week to you, Father, and all other Orthodox readers, and to our Western brethren, Al-Masih qam!
Steve Scott says
Online Zolpidem Tartrate How did we get separated by a week, do you know? Curious.
It has to do with how one of the canons of Nicea is interpreted. Nicea did not simply speak of the Trinity, it also gave a standard for calculating Easter and said it had to be calculated on a Sunday rather than on the third day after Passover. I can see a post coming up, though I am not sure about this week. 🙂
Steve Scott says
Zolpidem Uk Buy OnlineThe whole timing of Christ’s life and events is a fascinating thing.
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rwprof says Pascha must fall after Passover.
Behold, the Bridegroom comes in the middle of the night, and blessed is that servant whom he finds watching; but unworthy is the one whom he finds slothful. Take care then, my soul, not to be overcome with sleep, lest you be given up to death, and be shut out of the kingdom; but rouse yourself and cry: Holy, holy, holy are you, O God; through the protection of Bodiless Powers, have mercy on us.