The latest issue of Newsweek has an article titled, We Are All Socialists Now. It has a rather controversial theme which is captured in the following quote: The U.S. government has already-under a conservative Republican administration-effectively nationalized the banking and mortgage industries. That seems a stronger sign of socialism than $50 million for art. Whether we want to admit it or not-and many, especially Congressman Pence and Hannity, do not-the America of 2009 is moving toward a modern European state. . . . but it was, again, under a conservative GOP administration that we enacted the largest expansion of the welfare state in 30 years: prescription drugs for the elderly. Please note that this alleged socialism was clearly done by the prior Republican administration. But, there is a much more important consideration. Why is it that these rules began to be written? Well, the answer is simple. The experiment in an unregulated business atmosphere, in an unregulated healthcare atmosphere, etc., has been a failure. One only needs to look at the financial crisis today, at the healthcare crisis to see what happens when regulations are relaxed. One need only look at the peanut butter salmonella scandal to see why regulatory agencies need to have more power. Inevitably greed and power mix to concentrate wealthand more power in small groups of people without a care for the rest of society. In fact, we have proven that there was a reason why, beginning with the anti-trust legislation of the end of the 19th century the USA moved away from a pure free market society. As I am writing this, I am watching the evening news only to find out that Morgan Stanley has, again, decided to give bonuses to its top executives. Yes, again, this is not a replay of a tape from a month ago. This is current. Which brings up my other point. St. Paul makes it clear in Romans that where there is no sin, there is no need for law. Sin breeds law. And, law reveals sin. Both are true. The continuing greedy behavior of many sectors of our society is clearly pushing this country to have to regulate those sectors. The semi-destruction of so many 401k accounts is returning our society towards a conception of retirement that includes government in guaranteeing the retirement of those who have been faithful workers. The decay of our private health system so that people with health problems are consistently wiped our financially, and the high cost of health insurance, even when one is healthy, is leading this society towards a system which will have substantial government involvement.
Notice that none of what I have pointed out is a deliberate walk towards socialism. All of this is a reaction to uncontrolled greed in many forms. Which means that if we become a country with more regulations, more government involvement in many parts of our life, it will not be because a band of radicals is trying to lead a social revolution. Rather, if we continue on this path, it will be because of the free and unregulated capitalists of our country whose greed and lack of social concern are making us run away from their theories and in another direction.
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