I decided to watch a good chunk of President Obama’s news conference yesterday. And I must say that it was nice to listen to a President that spoke in logical sentences and could be understood. It was also very nice that it was a long news conference and that each question was answered extensively. Of course, that was also the problem. On some of the questions he explained at such length that one’s eyes could start to cross. We have gone from Clinton and Bush administrations that tended to explain little to an administration that may sometimes drown us in explanations. But, in this case, I guess too much is better than too little. I will say that I was impressed by his attempt to try to keep the idea of bipartisanship up front. We can argue about whether it will work or not, but it is nice to see that it is an ideal that is still held up.
Clonazepam For Mental Health I have carefully avoided saying anything as to whether I agree or disagree with him on the subjects on which he spoke. In this posting, I wanted to simply point out the strong difference in style between the last two Presidents and himself. It is a welcome difference. Too bad he can’t pick people for his administration as well as he speaks. Has he found any Democratic politicians to fill his posts that have actually paid their taxes or are not embroiled in ethics cases?
Clonazepam Addiction There is no such thing as a Congressman, either Republican or Democrat who could pass an investigation. LOL!
Steve Martin says I also find it quite ironic that the political party that has been most responsible for this economic crisis (The Democrats instuted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and then opposed the efforts to make these lending institutions more responsible), now has taken on the task to fix this interference by government into perivate industry, by proposing MORE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION.
Buy Zolpidem From Uk What a joke. A sad joke that our children and their children will spend a lifetime trying to pay for. Plus, the new intrusions and controls of the government’s tentacles most likely will never go away.
Our founding fathers are turning in their graves, What a shame.
Fr. Ernesto Obregón says
Clonazepam Express Shipping As with most things, there will be a pendulum swing back the other way some years from now.
Funny, I don’t remember nearly as many Republicans getting into trouble as Democrats. I think the ratio is like 5 to 1. There was a big check kiting scandel about 15 years ago and 90% of the offenders were Democrats. Republicans (in general) have to be more responsible. The left wing media cuts them no slack.
Fr. Ernesto Obregón says
Klonopin Prescription Free I think that you had better check your statistics. In June 2008, this article commented that the FBI was then investigating 21 Congressmen. Thirteen of them were Republican and eight were Democrat. Let me point out that at that time the President was still George Bush, so I doubt there was political bias by the FBI.