Well, after a trial of a couple of weeks, I have uninstalled the IntenseDebate plugin. It had some nice added functionality for the comment page, but was buggy. It slowed the blog down, a fact admitted on the FAQ section of the IntenseDebate website. Also, despite choosing to only need to approve a person once, and then they could make additional comments, I had to approve each and every comment every time for some people, which does not make sense. Finally, today, three comments were lost. Yes, Bror, that was you. My apologies. I approved the comments on Intense Debate, but they disappeared into the ether.
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Huw Richardson says Brand Where To Buy Hmm. The approval thing is a setting. I can’t answer for the other stuff (I’m not slowing down, near as I can tell) but the “approve every comment” is a setting that you can turn on and off.
Fr. Ernesto Obregón says
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Hey Huw, it turns out that WordPress 2.7 has both Gravatar support already included (since 2.5+) and it also has support for threaded comments already built in. So, I am sending this threaded reply to your first comment as a test. If it works, it means that I can do without Intense Debate and get close to the same functionality.
Huw says Ambien Cr Online Works for you! My theme doesn’t support threaded comments, however, & I didn’t want to switch themes. I rather like Gravatars too – I used a plugin for them in my current theme. Maybe I’ll swap out themes later 🙂
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Fr. Ernesto Obregón says
Buy Clonazepam 1Mg Tablets I am fooling around today with my blog, to see if I can speed up its loading by messing with the plugins. [Remember to backup first; remember to backup first; remember to backup first.]