I could use a little feedback on one of the features of this blog.
It seems that since I have added IntenseDebate to the blog that it is taking longer to load. A friend of mine has added it to his blog, and his blog seems to load just as fast. So, some feedback please.
1. Are you experiencing longer load times, for this blog, lately?
And, since you are reading this.
2. Do you have any suggestions for improving the layout of this blog?
Finally, some feedback from you all, please. Though this blog includes a lot of my musings, I would also like to encourage more conversation and dialogue. You may not realize how much some of your comments have helped me to focus my thinking on some issues. So:
3. As we head into 2009, are there topics about Eastern Orthodoxy (or other subjects) that you would like to see brought up on this blog for dialogue and conversation?
May the Lord bless your 2009.
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