Buy Zolpidem In India There are times when I have to fight certain smug feelings that come over me. This is one of those times, and it has to do with Gov. Sarah Palin.
Zolpidem India Online During the campaign, there were criticisms of Gov. Sarah Palin that were truly sexist. Does her hairdo really matter? Does her pregnant daughter mean that the fight to be allowed to teach abstinance is a failure? Does her husband’s temporary political memberships have anything to do with her? Does the fact that she has not memorized every world leader, capital, etc. really matter? And, so on.
Order Ambien Online OvernightBut, there was also an attempt to insulate Sarah Palin from any and all criticism. To criticize someone on real issues is not the same as criticizing someone on irrelevant issues. What made this attempt to stop any criticism worse, was Gov. Palin’s consistent attempts to connect President-elect Obama with Muslims, radicals, etc. There was no attempt to ameliorate her criticisms whatsoever. However, sometimes those who live by the sword die by the sword. And that is certainly what is happening to Gov. Palin right now. She is now the object of an incredible, unfair, and probably mostly untrue campaign of vilification. And, that campaign is not coming from any Democrat, but from her fellow Republicans. One has to wonder whether she would be receiving this type of mistreatment had she not engaged in it herself.
And, so, I am having to fight feeling smug. Because that smugness is a sin on my part. None of us should wish anyone else to receive what they “deserve.” And, Gov. Palin is most certainly the target of much more than she deserves. She is being treated most unfairly. No, when I think about it I realize that I do not want to receive what I deserve. I want mercy and forgiveness and understanding. Zolpidem Buy Online And, so, may God have great mercy on each and every one of us. May He especially protect Gov. Palin from the unfairness of the claims. May He support her and uphold her and help her to be the best governor that the State of Alaska has ever seen. May her family be held together by strong bonds of unity. May her children all grow tall and strong and learned and mature and Christian. May God be glorified in all, through all, and by all.
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