Sarah Josepha Hale is considered to be partially responsible for our celebration of Thanksgiving. She wrote series of six letters to President Abraham Lincoln in support of such a national holiday. She was a strong Christian and a writer. Below is one of her poems. Though she supported abolition, she points out that freedom and […]
Archives for November 2008
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe — Aslan is Eastern Orthodox
Warning: If you have not read C.S. Lewis’ book, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe then this post will not make sense to you. In the midst of all the discussion that has been going on over justification, salvation, sanctification, etc. on this blog and on other blogs on which I have posted, I […]
So, the solution is to dump middle-class retired folk? James 1:27 says, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” I have been watching the drumbeat to punish the unions mount as the debate over the Detroit bailout goes on. It comes mainly from the […]
Why did I vote for Obama? · by 10 Comments
Zolpidem Online Shop A person wrote in and asked a very honest question about why I voted for President-elect Obama. His concern was about voting for someone who supports abortion. The person who wrote me is pro-life in the widest of ways, since he is also against the death penalty in general. He gently asked me about my […]
Semper Paratus
· by 1 Comment When I lived in Port Huron, Michigan, my wife and I were friends with some men (and their wives) who served at the Coast Guard station there. They were wonderful men and heroes, every one. One of them had even won a medal for diving in after a crewmate who had fallen of the ship […]
Salvation, Justification, Works 02
· by 8 Comments
Below is a follow-up email that I sent. Obviously, I have taken out any personal notes and simply put in the meat of the ongoing discussion. ==== I have been enjoying the discussion on Sola Fide immensely. It has been very exciting to be able to review theology on this subject, particularly since it has […]
Salvation, Justification, Works 01
Below is something I posted on another blog. It is in the middle of the conversation between various bloggers, but I think it expresses something of my thoughts. ==== Joe M made a good point. There are enough Scriptures in the New Testament, including from Jesus himself, that point to judgment including a behavioral component […]
National crime and prison policies are failures, part 05
There is not really much said about crime and punishment in the New Testament that can guide the Christian who wishes to set governmental policy for criminals. This is because the apostles and disciples were outside the governmental system, and only saw it defendants. In passing, this is why we have to be careful about […]
New voting trend?
Nudists seek clothing-optional voting Published: Oct. 31, 2008 at 11:50 PM LAND O’ LAKES, Fla., Oct. 31 (UPI) — Residents of the clothing-optional Caliente Resorts in Land O’ Lakes, Fla., said they are lobbying to create the first clothing-optional U.S. polling place.Caliente spokeswoman Angye Fox said the resort wants to make it easier for the […]
Saints for 12 November
You may not know that for the Eastern Orthodox the day begins at sunset rather than at midnight. This means that as I am writing this, it is already 12 November for us, at least liturgically. In practice, of course, we observe the days as this culture prefers it, starting at midnight. But, when we […]