It was just announced by the Obama campaign that his grandmother has passed away. May God grant her his great mercy. Many years! Sadly enough, I received a shock when I went to read the news story. No, the shock was not the story. Since Sen. Obama’s trip, we have known that his grandmother was weak. No, the shock was when I read the comment section in the Fox news story that I was reading. The first comment, the first sentence, literally accused the Obama campaign of hiding his grandmother’s death for several days in order to be able to release the news on the eve of the elections. Some of the comments were so bad that even conservative Republicans were begging Fox News to turn off the comment section on this story. a sad commentary on so many people who call themselves conservative. It shows how much of the conservative movement has given in to a conspiracy mentality that is fully the equal of anything found in the far left fringe. Unfortunately, it is not the fringe in the conservative movement anymore, as one need only read Pastor James Dobson’s letter “from the future” to see that what I read was no fringe, but the result of years of divisive politics. sadness is that I am a conservative on so many issues. But, I feel that a party which I supported for several elections and over a decade no longer has a place for people like me. From immigration politics, to racial politics, to even the death of a candidate’s relative, the Republican party has become a haven for a fringe that is damaging the nation. It is no wonder that such conservative luminaries as Peggy Noonan, Colin Powell, etc., have now endorsed a Democrat. May God have mercy on their souls.
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