Clonazepam Express Shipping In another example of how low the election has sunk, last Sunday night’s episode of the Fox animated program, “Family Guy,” showed a character wearing a full Nazi uniform and wearing a McCain / Palin ticket on his uniform coat.
Brooks Barnes reports, “Fox (the broadcast network) aired the episode in which Stewie, the obnoxious baby character at the center of the series, and Brian, a talking dog, traveled back in time to Poland during the 1939 German invasion. The characters ambush Nazi soldiers in an alley and steal their uniforms so they can travel without drawing attention. Putting on an overcoat, Stewie notices a McCain-Palin campaign button affixed to the lapel.”
Order Clonazepam So, this appears to give us an interesting election contest. Ladies and gentlemen, if you will fix your eyes on the center ring, you are about to see a contest unprecedented in the annals of American electoral history. On the one side we have the Big O, that well-known crypto-terrorist, Sen. Obama himself. And on the other side we have the head of the MacPack, that well-known crypto-Nazi, Sen. McCain. I don’t know that we have ever seen a contest between two such extreme candidates. There will be mayhem on election day, folks, so keep a close eye on this match-up.
Buying Zolpidem Uk And so it is that the circle is now complete, grasshopper. Supporters on both sides of the campaign have dropped to near what must be the Seventh Circle of Hell (read Dante’s Inferno) in their attempt to smear the other side’s candidate. Now, you might say that this is normal in every campaign seasons, but that is something like the frog in the pan who is slowly boiling to death without realizing it. Color me disgusted. worst part is the damage that this type of tactics does to this country. Regardless of who wins, we stand in danger of having a near unmanageable country after this election. So high have the emotions of the voters been pumped up that whoever is the new president will have a deep reserve of hatred waiting to oppose him as he tries to put his agenda into play. May God have mercy on us.
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