When I wrote yesterday that I was going to continue with my discussion today on Scripture, Tradition, and Ecumenical Councils, I had forgotten that today was the first debate between Senators McCain and Obama. Right now, I am in a room with 12 people ranging from college age to senior citizen. We have the TV turned on and are awaiting the debate, with the TV turned on to one of the news channels. Pizza is being passed around, and liquid refreshment is flowing. We anxiously await the beginning of the debate, during which I will be jotting my thoughts and blogging them at the end.
Ordering Ambien Unfortunately, the talking heads are blathering on and on without giving any interesting analysis. Do you want to know how boring they talking heads are? One even began to talk about the rumble in Oxford. Well, our host just turned C-Span on and people actually found that discourse more interesting than the talking heads. I look forward to posting with you through the night, but let me get this pre-debate post up and strengthen myself with some pizza. […] Pre-first debate post, McCain vs Obama […]
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