They have moved on to Russia, but I am afraid that my eyes are glazing over. I am afraid that right now it is tit for tat. Unfortunately, Sen. McCain has just repeated the mistaken notion that Russian invaded Georgia without any provocation, despite the many articles that have been published in various USA newspapers pointing out that Georgia engaged in a policy of provocation with Russia. He is now classifying Russia in the old Soviet role, even using the term apparatchik. It is at this point that I feel that he is not fully understanding the modern world. Sen. McCain is again giving a travelogue about how he visited yet another country, which somehow means that he knows the situation better than Sen. Obama.
I am afraid that this has been the slowest 20 minutes so far. Even the person next to me said that he was tired. They have just moved on to homeland security, but not much of interest here. They both agree that we need to keep on our toes. Sen. McCain has come out strongly against torture, which is a definite plus. While Sen. McCain has said that we are safer, Sen. Obama said that we are safer in some ways. He points out that nuclear proliferation is the biggest threat to the USA, in the sense that suitcase nukes are a bigger danger than missiles. He also states that we need to work on our perception in the world, because our standing is so low that nations do not want to cooperate with us. Well, it will be interesting to see what the interpretations are in the news tomorrow. I fear that we will get no good analysis, but only politically biased articles. But, who know, I may be wrong.
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