The majority of the Democrats vote for the 700 billion dollar rescue bill. The majority of the Republicans did not. Now the Republican party is blaming the Democrats for the failure to pass the bill. Supposedly, it is Rep. Pelosi’s fault because she made some objectionable remarks. Does this mean that if one feels insulted by someone expressing disagreement with you, then you are free to destroy any legislation, even any legislation that might possibly help this country? Please understand. I am not saying that the proposed rescue plan made sense. I am not saying that the proposed rescue plan was good economic policy. I am simply saying that the use of someone’s opinion as an excuse to take an action that might hurt the entire country is not only wrong, it ought to lead to your removal from office. do not know enough about economics to know which plan is correct. But, I do know enough about human relationships to know that the excuse that is being used by Republicans is not only illogical, but also downright mendacious.
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Klonopin Price Well, I don’t think I would go that far about only Republicans. GRIN. Like many Americans, I have a certain sense of cynicism about both parties.