Thank you for your prayers. At this point the rain has slowed down here, there have even been periods of no rain, and the skies are starting to lighten, though still completely overcast. I have checked with several of our people, and Kh. Denise has checked with several more, and everyone seems to be OK so far. The elderly lady that we had to move is doing well at her granddaughter’s house, although her own house is under 2 inches of water. Nevertheless, it could have been much worse. for us, last night the rains slowed down just in time. I estimate that we came within 4 hours of having to evacuate. But, today I can actually see the whole driveway. The level of water in the retention pond in the rear has dropped. We had to go out this morning to get Kh. Denise’s car, which had stalled out after driving through what had been a street before it became a pond. (It is an old and decrepit car, but we cannot buy another one.) As we went through we could still see flooded yards, but the streets were not under water in the areas in which I drove. From phone calls I made, I know that not every street is clear yet. Fay is still going through, so do pray for those to the north of us that are now getting this soaking rain. Hopefully the slowdown in the intensity of the rain that we are experiencing will hold true to the north as well.
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