As we look at the Transfiguration, we often tend to look only at certain parts of the event. We see our Lord Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of the Old Testament, the Apostle of the Church, the High Priest of the New Covenant, and many other titles that he rightfully has. We see Moses, who stands […]
Archives for August 2008
House prices · by Leave a Comment
Ambien Prescription Online Nationally, the average price of a house in any given area is about 4 to 5 times the average income of that area. If the average goes higher than that, then the houses start pricing themselves out of the range that can be bought by the average person and still make payments. However, some areas […]
Se habla español
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A veces no entiendo la antipatÃa que algunos en este paÃs muestran en contra el hablar español en público. Sé que una vez recién tuve la experiencia, en un empleo seglar, de estar hablando en castellano con una obrera de otra sección. Estabamos fuera de trabajo, y era una simple charla social. De todos modos, […]
Hummus recipe Just in time for fasting season, follow this link to an easy-to-make Hummus recipe by Fr. Peter-Michael Preble. If you enjoy it, leave a comment on his blog please.
Guayabera Clergy shirt
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The Almy company ( makes what they call a Panama shirt. I would call it a guayabera (as would a Phillipine). Unless I remember wrongly, the difference between a Panama shirt and a Guayabera is that the Guayabera has two lower pockets while the Panama shirt does not. However, and this is yet another small […]
Fasting for the Dormition
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What we call fasting among the Orthodox is called abstinence among Protestants. Abstinence is the abstaining from certain foods, which is what we do during our fasting periods. Fasting, for Protestants, is not only abstaining, but going the next step and diminishing the amount of food that you take in. It is what we would […]
Christian Music to World of Warcraft
So, here is a link to a YouTube video. It features the song Rebirthing by a Christian group named Skillet, but the video is done using World of Warcraft characters. Quite a creative way for Christian teens and 20’s to share the faith in a way designed to capture the attention of their age […]