I enjoy watching, laugh at, get annoyed by, are cheered by, those segments on TV news shows during which they point out some absurdity in people’s lives.
Order Zolpidem Tartrate So, did you hear the one from the high school on Monroe, Ohio that has forbidden the cheerleaders from wearing their outfits to school on game days? This news turned even weirder when we were informed that the school issued the uniforms and that the parents paid for them! So, what did the principal say? Well, the principal explained that the dress code had changed this year and that the cheerleading skirts were too short, too tight, and were slit at the side to permit cheerleading stunts. The parents are very angry. But, does this mean that it is not OK to be sexy and entice people in the hallways, but OK to be sexy and entice people very publicly when it is for sports, sort of like lust under control? No wonder this one made the news! And, then, there is the one from New Haven, Conneticutt where the local baseball league banned a 9 year old pitcher from the mound because he was too good. They claimed he pitched too fast, disbanded his team, and told him he must go to another team and play another position if he wished to continue playing. Did I mention that his team is 8-0 and was headed to the league playoffs? So, I guess this means that only mediocrity is allowed? This is one of the anger producting ones for me. make much money on late night shows pointing out these contradictions. The amazing part to me is that the people involved never seem to see the contradiction in what they are doing or saying! It makes me wonder how many contradictions people see in me, and why I do not see them.
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