“Not with a bang, but with a whimper.” The whimper is my reaction to trying to figure out what I am doing wrong with one of my settings that is causing a problem on this page.
I was talking with my mami last night and thinking about arroz con pollo as she spoke of my going down to Miami soon to visit her. This while I have a version of humnus (Arabic chick pea paste) in my refrigerator and prosphora bread frozen in my freezer. I then went on Facebook to keep up with my relatives, which include our blonde-haired and blue-eyed grandkids. Our grandaughter takes dancing classes, while our grandson concentrates on destroying action figures. In Miami I may visit my Arabic priest friend. I thought, “This is much better than My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Sometimes, it is even as funny.
In the midst of it all, I can hear my wife, of the Gaelic maiden name, rousting around the kitchen making herself breakfast and coffee. When I was 9 years old and living in Cuba, I would have never predicted my life would turn out this way. Insh’allah — Dios mediante — as God wills.
Welcome to the topsy-turvy world of blogging! muStaHeq!
…hmmmmm, a most troublesome notion, maybe, in fact the
core of our most severe disconnect with the Arab world in general
and the Muslim one in particular.
God, having infused us scrabbling-little-monkeys with free will,
does not, being everywhere, have need to will anything within
existence, but rather lets us exercise and aggregate our own
will(s) in the course of life.
There needs to be a different word/phrase to reply to one who
says “Insh’allah,” a phrase that means, roughly:
Nice blog, by the way.